Spring Newsletter
NewsCASA of the Continental Divide has a lot of news to share with you since we last communicated. With COVID-19 and the stay at home order, we set up all our staff to work from home. We are considered essential and therefore were able to keep our office open with one staff member going in at a time to get needed work done. As mandates are lifting/getting less strict, we are committed to continue our self-distancing and keep working from home through May, if not longer. With parents out of work and children home from school, already volatile situations are getting worse. Children need our support now more than ever. We asked our advocate volunteers to double their efforts to stay in touch and keep their eyes on the children we serve. We also sent a call out to the community to pay attention to their neighbors and report anything concerning. Over 70% of referrals are made by teachers, coaches, and day care providers. We anticipate that once children are in these spaces again, our case load will increase dramatically.
Give a child a voiceCASA of the Continental Divide is recruiting Volunteer Advocates and Truancy Advocates in each of the counties we serve: Clear Creek, Eagle, Lake, and Summit County. If you know someone who would be fantastic at supporting abused and neglected children and/or children who have major barriers to success in school, please help us make the connection. Details and an initial application with contact information is located at https://mtncasa.org/volunteer/become-a-volunteer/
“Goodbye” to Coleen BergmanColleen Bergman, long time CASA employee resigns in May. Colleen started working at CASA in 2008 as an Advocate Manager. For the last 18 months she served as the Director of Programs, supervising case administration as well as serving on cases herself. “After 12 years of employment with CASA of the Continental Divide, I decided to resign with May 4-8 being my last week with CASA of the Continental Divide. It has been a pleasure to get to know all of you personally and work beside you in advocating for the most vulnerable individuals in our community. Thank you for your ongoing dedication and support for CASA of the Continental Divide!” ~Colleen Bergman |
CASA of the Continental Divide is Hiring!Kathi Brown, Advocate Manager, will assume the Programs Director role in early May, hence we are currently seeking someone to fill the full-time position as Program Coordinator. This position is based in our main office in Dillon Colorado. We also seek to fill a new Outreach Coordinator position with someone who is based in Eagle County and will work 24 hours a week building and supporting our programs there. For more information about these positions, visit www.mtncasa.org or contact Karen Kaminski at 970-214-6909 or CASACD_ED@mtncasa.org. We look forward to hearing from you! Stay Healthy |
Support CASA of the Continental Divide
GivingTuesdayNow a global day of giving and unity, is set to take place on May 5, 2020. As we mentioned in our Winter Newsletter, children suffering trauma, abuse, and neglect, or experiencing truancy need our help now more than ever. With the added stress brought on by COVID-19 domestic violence shelters are full. Children often do not have a voice of their own, that is what we are here for. Many of you have asked how you can help support the essential work we do.
You can help us continue our mission supporting vulnerable children through these difficult times by giving at https://www.coloradogives.org/index.php?section=organizations&action=newDonation&fwID=27466
In response to these uncertain times and the growing needs of nonprofits due to COVID-19 Giving Tuesday (think Colorado Gives Day) and Community First Foundation (https://www.communityfirstfoundation.org/) created GivingTuesdayNow to make it easy for you to support CASA of the Continental Divide and your other favorite nonprofits in Colorado and around the world.
Child Abuse Prevention Month- April
Thank you to everyone for helping us spread the word and promote prevention in April!
While many of our planned events for April were cancelled, our work to promote Child Abuse Prevention continued. We planted the Pinwheel Garden in Dillon, shared ways that everyone can make great childhoods happen in newspapers and on social media, and showed our support for Child Abuse Prevention by wearing blue!
Thank you to all who donated, liked and shared posts on social media, started a conversation around Child Abuse Prevention, or checked on neighbors and friends; You are all heroes and play a part in preventing child abuse.
14th Annual Chip in for Kids Golf Scramble
September 2, 2020 at Frost Creek Golf Course in Eagle, CO.
Due to the current restrictions and future uncertainty regarding COVID-19, CASA of the Continental Divide and Frost Creek Golf Course have decided to postpone our annual Chip in for Kids Golf Scramble. We can’t wait to see you in September!
You can register now at: https://mtncasa.org/events/chip-in-for-kids-14th-annual-golf-scramble/
2nd Annual Nonprofit Family Carnival-Save the Date!
Sunday September 13th 2020 More Details Coming Soon!
Claudine Norden Volunteer Advocate
“I am a CASA volunteer because it gives me an opportunity to contribute positively to families and their human experience. I thrive in inspiring kids and parents to be their best and to have a positive influence in their lives. It also helps me from living in a bubble and to be aware of real struggles and needs in our small community.”