September 2015 at CASACD

September 2015 at CASA of the Continental Divide Is this email not displaying correctly?
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September 2015

Above: Guests of the 1st CASACD Hoe Down at Keystone Stables enjoyed an evening of line dancing, BBQ, S’mores, horse riding and more!  The event was a great success and we hope to do it again next year!

Current Volunteer Trainings

Colorado CASA State Conference – September 19
The Annual State CASA conference is coming up.  This is a great way to meet CASA volunteers from around the state and hear some speakers address relevant topics.

If you are interested in a scholarship for the registration portion of the conference only, please let Kathy know so that she can give you a free code to use at registration. There are five scholarships available for volunteers and board members. 

Please let Lauren Mueller, Colorado CASA State Coordinator or Dena, Colorado CASA Admin Assistant,  know if you have any questions about the registration process (303-623-5380)! Registration link below.

Trauma Informed Supercommunity Webinar: September 17, 2015

There has been increased focus and attention on implementing trauma-informed approaches in child welfare settings. “Trauma-Informed” has become one of many new buzzwords in our work, but what does “trauma-informed” actually look like in practice?  This webinar aims to answer these questions by utilizing examples from two child welfare jurisdictions participating in a SAMHSA funded project with the Chadwick Center for Children & Fami­lies.  Presenters will review the essential elements of a trauma-informed system, in addition to providing concrete strategies for assessing the readiness of a system to change. They will review common themes across all 5 Supercommunities.

Visit www.cwla.orgfor more information or email Julie Collins at

CASACD New Volunteer Training September 15-26
First off, tell your friends and acquaintances!
If you are interested in brushing up on various subject matter covered in the initial CASA training, you may join our upcoming training for all or some of the sessions.  We will meet on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for two weeks.  The substance abuse session is Sept 19th at 12:30-3pm.  Domestic Violence will be Sept 26 from 9-noon.  Optima and Family Service Plans will be from 9-noon on Sept 19th.  Let us know if you plan on 

Volunteer Supervision


Summit/Lake/Clear Creek Counties- Meet at the CASA office; conference room 101: Wednesday September 2 from 10am-12pm and Wednesday September 16 from 5pm-7pm
Eagle County- Meet at the Avon Library; small meeting room: Wednesday September 23 from 5pm-7pm and Monday September 28 from 10am-12pm

September 3rd at 1pm in CASA 101.
September 16th at 10am in CASA 101.

If you need access to commonly used CASA forms or templates, use our public file for CASA.  CASA’s Dropbox

In This Issue

  • September Trainings/Webinars
  • Supervision dates
  • New Volunteer Training September 15-26
Education Resource 

  • CASA Library of Books  We have quite a few books covering all sorts of topics that will help volunteers understand the dynamics of their assigned children and families.  Stop by and take a look!

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