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CASA of the Continental Divide's Mission:

CASA of the Continental Divide guides volunteer advocates who ensure a child’s safety, best interest and well-being are at the forefront of legal proceedings.

We need a few good men!

While 50% of the CASA youth we serve are male, only 16% of our current volunteer advocates are men. That’s a statistic we hope to change! Kind and dedicated men can make a world of difference for children and youth who need support from a confident and attentive advocate.

“The two most important days of your life are the day you’re born, and the day you find out why.”
—Mark Twain

Female volunteers are abundant in social services while male volunteers are harder to find. With only 16% of our advocates being male and 50% of our children served being male, there is identifiable disproportionality amongst male volunteers at CASA of the Continental Divide. More male advocates would be invaluable for the children we serve and could increase the capacity of our programs dramatically. That is the purpose of the “Men of CASA” model.

One of our Great Men of CASA

Graphics and some information have been retrieved from https://www.kerncasa.org