March / April 2014 Newsletter

Spring CASA Volunteer Training


The next training session for prospective CASA volunteers will begin Saturday, April 26, at the CASACD Dillon office.

To maintain enough CASA volunteers to serve all the needy children in our district, and to replace CASA volunteers who have moved away, etc, we need to train about 20 new volunteers annually. So far this year, we have added two.

And while Eagle county is where we have the greatest need, volunteers from any of the counties would be very welcome.

CASACD’s best outreach to the community is through you, our current CASA volunteers, who spread the word about the important work you do. And who better to recognize a potential for doing CASA volunteer work than our existing volunteers?

So if you know of someone who would be a good fit for the work we do, encourage them to complete an application by going to and register for the new training!

GAL 2014 Stakeholder Survey

It is that time again when you get the opportunity to evaluate the work of the GALs you have worked with since July 1, 2013. If you have been active on a case since then, please complete the survey by clicking on the link below. As you know, the court and the attorneys on your case evaluate you four months into your case. We appreciate this feedback. This is your opportunity to do the same.

GAL survey

Optima Updates and Hints

Optima program updates:
* For security purposes, Optima will timeout and log off users after a 30 minutes of inactivity. This uses button clicks to determine whether you are inactive, so if you are writing a lengthy Contact Log, for example, click on Save within 30 minutes of starting to type it or you might lose it. If you anticipate it will take longer, write in elsewhere and cut and paste to the window.
* Previously, under Child Details, there was a date for Assigned to CASA. This has been renamed Assigned to Program, since this date will be when the court assigns CASACD the case. The date the CASA volunteer takes the case will be under the Case Details > CASA Assignment.

Upcoming Events / Trainings / Webinars

* Prom dress swap and sale. Sunday, April 6, noon to 5pm, Miller Ranch Community Center in Vail. All dresses $40 day of the sale. Info:
* Active parenting of teen workshop series. 6-week class, Mondays, April 7 through May 19 (not April 14). $50/person or $75/couple for all six sessions. Register 970-949-9250 or Info:
* Teen Violence for parents, caregivers and teens to be informed about signs of unhealthy relationships and date rape. Free. Tuesday, April 8, 6:30-8:30pm at St. Paul’s Parish, Idaho Springs. For more information, call Clear Creek County Advocates at 303-679-2426 or go to
* Helping youth in foster care build self-sufficiency skills. Friday and Saturday, April 11 (5-9pm) & 12 (8:30am-4:30pm), in Greeley, or June 27 (5-9pm) & 28 (8:30am-4:30pm), Edgewater. Register at Info: or 303-866-35466
* Love and Logic parenting class series, 5-week class, Wednesdays, April 16 through May 14, 5-7:30pm, at Eagle Valley Library District, 600 Broadway St., in Eagle. Register Melissa Barbour, 970-471-2782 or
* CASA training about domestic violence, presented by Barb Shaw, Saturday, April 26, 1-4pm, at the CASACD Dillon office. RSVP to the CASACD office.
* CASA training about substance abuse and mental illness, presented by Jeanette Kintz, Tuesday, May 6, 7-9pm. RSVP to the CASACD office.
* Sexting for parents, preteens and teens about sexting, Internet safety, and “Can I get in trouble sexting?” Free. Tuesday, May 13, 6:30-8:30pm at St. Paul’s Parish, Idaho Springs. For more information, call Clear Creek County Advocates at 303-679-2426 or go to
* Foster/Kinship/Adoptive parents’ guide to advocacy for the educational needs of children in their care. 2-day training, Thursday and Friday, May 15 and 16, 9am-2pm both days, in Pueblo. Free. Register at Info:
* Domestic Violence for anyone needing to know what it is, how to help someone in a DV situation, and available resources. Tuesday, June 10, 6:30-8:30pm at St. Paul’s Parish, Idaho Springs. For more information, call Clear Creek County Advocates at 303-679-2426 or go to

Volunteer Supervision

Dillon: Meetings held at the CASA office; room 101:
* Wednesday, April 9, 10am-noon
* Tuesday, April 22, 5-7pm
* Thursday, May 1, 10am-noon
* Wednesday, May 7, 5-7pm
Avon: Meetings will be held at the Avon Library:
* Tuesday, April 15, 10am-noon
* Thursday, April 17, 10am-noon
* Wednesday, April 23, 5-7pm
* Wednesday, May 14, 5-7pm
* Thursday, May 22, 10am-noon
* Tuesday, May 27, 10am-noon

Dillon: Meetings held at the CASA office; room 101:
* Thursday, April 10, 9-11am
* Wednesday, April 30, 11am-1pm
* Monday, April 14, 11am-1pm

If you need access to commonly used CASA forms or templates, use our public file for CASA.

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