August 2014 Newsletter
CASACD Office Changes
The time has come…Lynn, our office manager, has sold her house to move to the front range. We will miss the great work she has done for us in the office but, again, wish her luck in all her future endeavors.
Renie Krummel has started in her place. Renie worked at 1st Bank for 20+ years and has volunteered with us in our fundraising events. We are excited to bring a long-time “Friend of CASA” into a staff position!
The email for this position remains:
Open Cases That Need CASA’s!
Summit County:
One female child 15 years old.
Eagle County:
Two female children 4 and 2 years old.
Two children, one male 10 yo and female 13 yo.
Two female children ages 13 and 2.
Two female children 8 and 1 years old.
Clear Creek County:
Two females ages 12 and 14.
Two boys ages 1 and 5.
Lake County:
One male boy age 2
New Law Effects CASA Cases
SB 14-062 will become law as of August 6. In summary, it states that if parental rights are terminated, a 15 year old (or younger if part of a sibling group) can have parental rights reinstated if there is no adoption after 3 years (or less time if it is in the child’s best interest and with certain findings made.) If you have any questions about whether this affects your cases, please call the CASACD office.
Optima Updates and Hints
If you need to copy and paste information (text) from other documents or an approved court report into a newly created court report in Optima, it is very important to copy the text in plain text format (txt.)
To copy text into any Optima text box from a Word document, for example, it must be in a plain text format. To create a plain text document, first open a Word document. Select FILE and then select SAVE AS; this allows you to rename the document. Rename the document: Plain Text Word Document and then change the FORMAT to: Plain Text (.txt). Lastly, save the Plain Text Word document to your desktop for easy access.
* To complete a new court report, see the Court Report work instructions. Part one is the what goes into the court report. Part two addresses the how to create/data entry a court report in Optima.
These work instructions were mailed to all CASAs. You can also access them on the CASACD website here. Please read these work instructions and document the time you spent reading these work instructions in your training log. The instructions for doing this are also on the same page of the website.
Volunteer Supervision
Summit CASA office room 101:
* Wednesday, August 13 from 10am-12pm
* Thursday, August 21 from 5pm-7pm
Avon: Meetings will be held at the Avon Library:
* Thursday Aug 14 from 5pm-7pm
* Wednesday August 27 from 10am-12pm
Dillon CASA office room 101:
Thursday, August 7, from 3-5pm
Leadville Post Office
Wednesday, August 20, from 12-2pm
*If these times don’t work for you, contact Hannah for more options!