November 2014


Trainings Available

Fostering Colorado Presents “Trust Based Relational Intervention” (TBRI)
November 13th from 9am to noon
Trust Based Relational Intervention ® (TBRI®) is a parenting and intervention model developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross at the TCU Institute of Child Development. TBRI® is based on a solid foundation of neuropsychological theory and research, tempered by humanitarian principles. It is a family-based intervention that is designed for children who have experienced relationship-based traumas such as institutionalization, multiple foster placements, maltreatment, and/or neglect.
Registration $25 for members/ $30 for non-members
Network lunch is provided at an additional cost of $15, served following training at noon.
Foster Parents are welcome at no cost for the training.
Please RSVP by 10/28/14 to and indicate if you would like us to order lunch for you.
CEU credits offered. Bethany Lutheran Church 4500 E. Hampden Ave. Cherry Hills Village

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
November 13-14 8am-5pm both days. $20 includes lunch and snacks. ASIST provides practical training for caregivers seeking to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. Participants often include:

community volunteers
people concerned about family, friends, natural helpers and advisers
workers in health, welfare, or justice
Working mostly in small groups of one trainer to no more than 15 participants, ASIST uses many different teaching processes to create a practice-oriented and interactive learning experience.

CASA CD Flex Training
November 6 – December 18 in CASA office room 101.
Join our new trainees on Thursdays from 9-12 for a refresher course on a number of our child advocate training. Contact our office for a schedule of topics. or 970-513-9390.


Idaho Springs: 2 boys ages 1 & 6 placed in Lakewood foster care.
Evergreen: 2 girls ages 12 & 14 placed in Lakewood kinship care.
Idaho Springs: 1 girl and 2 boys ages 5, 6, 12 placed in Idaho Springs and Golden. (this is the tail end of the case)

Contact if interested

Group Supervision

November 3 10-12 in CASA office room 101.
November 12 10-12 in Avon Library
Novemer 13 5-7pm in CASA office room 101.

November 5 10-12 in CASA office room 101.
November 12 3-5 in CASA office room 101.
Other meetings individually arranged.


Our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be December 10th from 6-8pm at the beautiful “Carolina in the Pines” residence located in Dillon, CO.