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CASA of the Continental Divide's Mission:

CASA of the Continental Divide guides volunteer advocates who ensure a child’s safety, best interest and well-being are at the forefront of legal proceedings.

Substance Abuse Resources

Opioid Crisis

Learn more about this ever increasing issue affecting children and families.

Narcan Administration

Substance Use Prevention Education’s (SUPE) resources on opioid overdose. Resources include:

  • Signs of Opioid Overdose
  • How to respond to suspected opioid overdose
  • How to use Narcan

Resources for Children & Teens

Substance Use Prevention Education’s (SUPE) curriculum for children and teens.


Colorado Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers

Land Acknowledgement

CASA of the Continental Divide acknowledges we are located on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Southern Utes, Uncompahgre Utes, Northern/ White River Utes, and Cheyenne peoples past and present. We acknowledge 48 contemporary tribal nations are historically tied to the lands that make up the state of Colorado. In our daily lives, let us honor and respect those who stewarded the land through generations.

CASACD acknowledges this statement will evolve as we continue to learn the history of the land we occupy. 
We are in the process of educating ourselves about the atrocities that took place against indigenous peoples on this land.

We would be humbled by your feedback