Fall Newsletter
Happy Holidays!
Changes to the Board
We hope to expand our board with members from Clear Creek and Lake counties as well as additional members from Summit County. If you are interested and/or know someone who would be a good fit, please reach out.
ColoradoGives Day Success!
Our goal for Colorado Gives Day was $18,000. Thanks to your generosity we surpassed that at $20,400.60.

Welcome our Eagle County Team!
Eagle County is home to over 50% of the total population of the 5th Judicial District. It is also the largest in geographic area. Late summer we hired two staff who reside in and focus their work on Eagle and Lake counties. Lisa Reeder is our part-time Outreach Coordinator and Rebecca Dorn as our full-time Program Coordinator. The board voted in two Eagle County members Margaret Olle and Karmen Serbinski. The Eagle County Team is making connections and increasing our presence there, making it easier to make recommendations for and support the children we serve. It also reduces the amount of travel and time we spend on the road, particularly during the winter season.
We want to thank all of our volunteers for their passion to change a child’s story. The COVID Pandemic made it more difficult to spend time with children but our volunteers persevered with creative ways to connect.

2020 Year in Review

D&N Volunteer Child Advocates dedicated 2,057 hours (4,720 contacts) to change the story of CASA children.

We postponed our Child in for Kids Golf Scramble from June to September. This gave Frost Creek in Eagle time to develop strategies for socially distanced golfing. While we had fewer golfers this year (76), the day was still a success raising $45,317.90 after expenses.

We Moved!
To reduce our rent, we moved down the hall to suite 206. When we are able to congregate again, please stop by to visit our new space. We are now at the top of the stairs.
How to Donate:
Use Amazon Smile or City Market Cares to donate a percentage of your purchases.
Just Login and select CASA of the Continental Divide as the charity of your choice!