The CASA Mission
CASA of the Continental Divide guides volunteer advocates who ensure a child’s safety, best interest and well-being are at the forefront of legal proceedings.
Truancy Advocacy Program:
A CASA truancy advocate focuses specifically on supporting children who are experiencing chronic absenteeism or truancy in school. Their role involves several key responsibilities:
- Assessment and Understanding: The advocate works to understand the reasons behind a child’s truancy, which can include family issues, mental health challenges, or school-related difficulties.
- Building Relationships: They establish trusting relationships with the child, helping them feel safe and supported. This connection is vital for encouraging school attendance and engagement.
- Collaboration: Truancy advocates collaborate with parents, schools, and community organizations to address barriers to attendance. They may participate in meetings with school officials, social workers, or other stakeholders.
- Advocacy: They advocate for the child’s educational needs, ensuring that the child receives appropriate support and resources. This may include tutoring, counseling, or special education services if needed.
- Monitoring Progress: The advocate tracks the child’s attendance and academic progress, providing ongoing support and guidance to help the child stay on track.
- Court Involvement: They represent the child’s interests in court, ensuring that their educational needs are prioritized in legal proceedings.
Overall, CASA truancy advocates play a vital role in helping children overcome obstacles to education and achieve better outcomes in school and life.
Our CASA Volunteers are Heroes!
Interested in becoming a CASA Volunteer?
Apply here: Volunteer Application
Application instructions
Please gather the necessary information listed below prior to beginning the online application. You will not be able to save the volunteer application and return at a later time to finish.
Once you have all your information at your fingertips, click on the Volunteer Application link above to complete the volunteer application.
- Volunteer Experience: Names of Organizations- Names of Supervisors-Dates of Volunteerism- Responsibilities
- Employment History for past five years: Name of Organizations-Titles-Responsibilities- Supervisor Names- Work Hours- Addresses- Phone Numbers-Dates of Employment
- Motor Vehicle ID and Insurance Information
- Three References: Names- Mailing Addresses- Phone Numbers- Email Addresses
Land Acknowledgment
CASA of the Continental Divide acknowledges we are located on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Southern Utes, Uncompahgre Utes, Northern/ White River Utes, and Cheyenne peoples past and present. We acknowledge 48 contemporary tribal nations are historically tied to the lands that make up the state of Colorado. In our daily lives, let us honor and respect those who stewarded the land through generations.
CASACD acknowledges this statement will evolve as we continue to learn the history of the land we occupy. We are in the process of educating ourselves about the atrocities that took place against indigenous peoples on this land.
We would be humbled by your feedback